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VS 2013/VS 2015 - LimeOats Cavestory++ Tutorial - SDL2 woes with Visual Studio

This is a multi-part series since I'm also developing the LimeOats Cavestory++ tutorial at the same time with CLion, OSX 10.11.3, homebrew, CMakeLists.txt. Currently flipping back and forth from VS IDE to CLion IDE and learning a lot about C++/Header Files/Symbols/Includes etc. I must say that overall, VS 2013/2015 is a lot easier to work with than manually creating my CMake build script for CLion to correctly find my dependencies. I have had to search over the internet and have spent countless hours on stackoverflow trying to figure everything out, for now this is a placeholder so I can remember all the shit I did in VS 2015. Will be updating with screenshots, because VS is a lot more Visual than most other IDE's. I have to give much credit to Lazy Foo, without the guide he has setup, it would have been a lot harder to configure Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio 2015 with SDL2 and SDL2_image.

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